Thursday, November 16, 2006

The emigrants

I am an emigrant to, but what the hell is going on…

  • People claiming benefits like £2000, a car, 6 bedroom house and reach against this country and do not taste the Ale and sausages?

  • Unhygienic appearance like they have to shave their pubic hair but not their facial hair?

  • Women shouldn’t wear mini skirts?

  • Lawyers and teachers want to cover up their face when they have a conversation with other (in cause the other persons words go through their mount and impregnate them?) !!!!

  • Convicted terrorist (from other country) working for London underground?

We are too liberal, if you can’t be English you should not be in England

Friday, November 10, 2006

Public Transport

Public Transport , what does the crowd think of underground, the white shinny women this it is their sugar daddy’s pimp mobile and block all the entrance once if any one touches them (not sexually, may be they are used to getting touched sexually in their sugar daddy’s mobile) ) they get annoyed and the block population thinks it is a restaurant and eat fired chicken and chips and as far as the rest of the population goes they stair at you like you just escaped from the movie “independence day” even though Bill Pullman ( the American president who “wins” the was against alien invasion ) I have managed to escape

and mind the fucking GAP

Friday, May 26, 2006

the cloths

Cloths and are what you represent, like you are what you wear. The traditional English gentleman always wore a tie with a well pressed shirt with out any pockets and a collar pin to hold his collar. Now England is full of MTV and American shops GAP to Ralph Lauren


the language

When I came to England I had a dream, dream of people speaking good English. With correct grammar, proper use of words and on top of all with the right accent, you know like those Shakespeare literature.

but Uffff